Landmark Theater, Richmond, VA

The Altria Theater, 6 North Laurel Street and Main, Richmond, Virginia, United States, was opened in 1926 to be used by the Shriners as "the ACCA Temple Shrine". The building is a lavish replica of a Moslem Temple, and cost $1.65 million to complete. However, by 1935, the ACCA Temple was financially strapped and forfeited the mortgage to the New York Life Insurance Company. In 1940 it was purchased by the city of Richmond for $200k, and became the "Mosque Theatre" aka "The Mosque". On July 31, 1994, the city of Richmond closed the building and refurbished it, and it reopened in 1995 as "the Landmark Theater", so named because it is "one of the best known buildings in Richmond"(??). The theater officially became the "Altria Theater" in February 2014, after a $10 million renovation gift was accepted. It is currently a very popular venue, hosting a number of big-name musical and theatrical performers each year.

Source: Wikipedia

Springsteen did 3 performances, excl. rehearsals, at this venue.

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